breast augmentation


Capsular Contracture Questions

What is Capsular Contracture?

First of all, what is a capsule? A capsule is an envelope of scar tissue that your body makes around any object that it knows is not itself. This could be a heart pacemaker, a bullet, or a breast implant. It is a natural protection mechanism and all women with implants develop this. Contracture is when that envelope of scar tissue becomes unacceptably hard. This can be painful, misshapen and obvious even with something as simple as a hug.

What causes Capsular Contracture?

Breast Implant Rippling Questions

What is breast implant rippling?

Breast implant rippling refers to folds or wrinkles in an implant that are visible through the skin. Rippling is typically most noticeable on the bottom or sides of an implant, but may also occur in the middle, near the cleavage.

What causes breast implant rippling?

There can be any number of reasons an implant would ripple. Among these are:

Breast Health Before and After Implants

Breast augmentation can provide life-changing benefits, helping you look and feel your very best. However, there are many considerations to evaluate when deciding to undergo this procedure. One is the health of your breasts. During your initial consultation, Phoenix plastic surgeon Dr. John Corey will discuss factors which may impact breast health. This is a great opportunity for you to ask any questions regarding how to care for your new breast implants.

Choosing the Right Implant is a Simple 3-step Process!

Choosing the right implant is a simple 3-step process!

The hardest part a Breast Augmentation isn’t whether or not to do the surgery or not, but rather, what implant size to choose! Often times we find that patients get stumped at this point in the process.

To help make it easier…Doctor Corey has narrowed it down to an easy 1-2-3 Process.

First Step: Guessing


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